
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

An Update on My Life

Hello again, everyone! I hope you're having a great New Year's Eve, and that you have fun plans for tonight! Today I'm going to give you an update on some stuff in my life (I know, so interesting), which will hopefully be a bit of an excuse explanation for my recent radio silence.

  1. School: I am really liking high school now, even though I kind of hate one of my classes. Nothing particularly interesting has been happening lately, unless you actually go to my school, though. It's mostly just been me drowning in homework, mostly for science, and, oddly, English. One cool thing I'm doing is making a French cooking show, which is my big project for, you guessed it, French. We're doing a cooking unit, so everyone has to make a video in the style of a cooking show showing how to make an actual French dish. Pretty cool, no? OK, on to more interesting things...
  2. Extracurriculars: Marching band sadly ended on November 8, so I have nothing to do.... Obviously, I'm kidding! Winter guard started a week after that, so I've ridiculously busy with that. Our practices were from 7-10 on Tuesdays and Fridays, and 9-4 on Saturdays, until a week or two ago. Then we split into JV and Varsity (I'm a rookie, so I'm on JV) and now I'll be practicing 7-10 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. So don't expect any kind of brilliant writing during the week! (That is, if you get anything at all...) I'm really excited about the stuff I get to do in our show but I'll probably do a whole post on that some other time.
  3. Fandoms: I'm so behind on Doctor Who, since I still haven't finished Series 7.2, so I haven't seen the 50th or the Christmas special. But I'll catch up eventually! (Spring break, anyone?) I'm anxiously awaiting January 19, and also considering sneaking on to a plane to England so I can watch Sherlock on Wednesday. On an unrelated note, I will be hiding in a safe, nonspoilery section of the Internet until the 19th. I'm slowly working my way through Supernatural, and I'm now just a few episodes away from Season 7. I'll get there eventually, although it would help if I just didn't get any science homework until February.....
  4. Other Stuff: I got all of John Green's books for Christmas, and I have to admit, I kind of freaked out. I read TFiOS in two hours on Christmas, and I started AAoK last night. I don't have a problem, I swear.
I hope that didn't bore you too much, and kudos to you if you actually read it all! Hopefully I'll be back with another post soon, but no promises, right?

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