
Monday, December 30, 2013

A Very Stripy Wreath

*Note: This post was written AGES ago, sometime in November I think, and I never got around to finishing and posting it. I'm trying to get back on track after a crazy month, so I thought I should start by finally showing you guys this.*

First, I would like to express my amazement that "stripy" is a word. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog post.

Hello, everyone! I hope you enjoyed your week! Today I'm going to be telling you about a project I did most of a couple weekends ago (I actually have no idea, it might have been last week). It's sort of a Christmas present for my mom, but I'll probably give it to her early, so she can use it this year. Here's what the finished product looks like:

I basically used this tutorial from Occasionally Crafty, but as you can see, the original looks a lot better. Oh well. Mine has..... character? My strips were smaller, which may have had something to do with it.....

Basically, I just spent an hour or two back-watching all of Nerdy and Quirky's videos (she's really good, go check her out) and cutting all these strips.

In the end, I had a huge pile of white, red, green, and forest green strips to use. As you can see, I tried to keep the wreath base on the bag at all times, because I didn't feel like having to vacuum up styrofoam bits when I was done.

Then, I started laying out all the strips like this:

And then I finished.

Now let me tell you, this was a bad way to do it. Although the strips did stay on pretty well when I flipped it over, it was a pain to try to fold them all over, then trim them, then pin them.... Let's just say that if you do this, you should not follow my example. Find someone else to follow, preferably someone who knows what they're doing.

So that's it, all I did after that was add some ribbon to hang it, then give it to my mom. She liked it a lot more than I was expecting, which was nice, and it's still hanging on our front door (on the inside, she didn't want to risk the weather).

I hope you had a great holiday season, and that your new year is awesome, too! I'm not sure if I'll post before then, but if not, happy 2014!

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