
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sign Here, Please!

Hello everyone! I'm having another crazy week (shocker), so today is going to be sort of random. Today, I am going to be talking about pens.

Yeah, you read that right. I'm going to spend this entire post discussing a writing utensil. Deal with it. First, ten facts you may not have known about pens (with some slightly sarcastic commentary):

  1. The idea for the ballpoint pen was patented on October 30, 1888 by John Loudon.
  2. 100 people die every year by choking on a ballpoint pen. (Here's a hint: don't put pens in your mouth!)
  3. 125 ballpoint pens are sold every second.
  4. 95% of the time someone gets a new pen, the first word they write is their name. (Especially if they're in school; we have to write our names on EVERYTHING!)
  5. Each pen writes an average of 45,000 words (or at least they would, if we didn't always lose them).
  6. The first ballpoint pen was invented by Laszio Biro in 1938.
  7. People used quill pens to write for over 1000 years. (Now it's just wizards.)
  8. Quill pens usually had to be replaced after about a week. (That's about the rate most people today lose regular pens!)
  9. Most quill pens are made from goose feathers.
  10. The pens the president of the United States uses to sign bills are never used again. (I have a suggestion for solving the deficit problem.....)
(Source for #1-4, source for #5 and 6, source for #7-10)

So now you know some useless things about pens! I used to be pretty anti-pen, since as a kid they were always associated with wrong answers (teachers corrected tests and such with pens), and I always though they were just messy. However, I am not allowed to write in pencil in science class, so I'm starting to get used to them, and I'm starting to like them a lot more. I especially like that I never have to sharpen them.... And also they come in pretty colors. 

This is probably one of the strangest posts I've ever written, and I have written some weird stuff. What do you think of pens? Have any interesting facts about them, or another writing utensil? Let me know in the comments! (And hopefully I'll have a less strange post sometime soon!)

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