
Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Saturday Thing?

Hmm, maybe I'll just try to post every Saturday, as that seems to be working out right now! :)

My week was...... kind of weird. I don't actually remember most of the stuff that happened, which probably has something to do with, oh right, I'm going to States today! Ahh!!! It's sort of totally consuming me...

Ok, so I started writing that before I left, but then project and other craziness, so I'm finishing it now. (First I just want to say that I'm in my school's marching band, and we had our biggest competition of the season today. This should make more sense now.) I just got back from IHOP, which is a thing our band does after each competition. Since it was our last competition today, more people were there than have ever been, and we were all in very good moods. Why, you ask? Because at States today, we got..... straight 1s!! (For those of you that aren't music geeks, that means we got the highest score in every category: music, visuals, and overall effect.) That's right, seven different judges thought we were superior (the official name for a 1)! I am so excited, I don't even know how to put it into words, but believe me, it's an amazing feeling!

As I mentioned above, I had a little project craziness this morning, but now it's turned in (my science class does everything online, so we can have weird due dates and times) and I am free! Well, not quite, since our second quarter project is to get it ready to enter into the contest we're doing them for, but I am free for now! Since it's a four day weekend (remember to vote if you're eligible!) I am looking forward to sleeping a ton, catching up on Doctor Who, and reading Allegiant, which my best friend was kind enough to let me borrow. (She's just a little totally and completely obsessed with the Divergent series, and although she did say Allegiant was a bit of a disappointment, I am really enjoying it so far.)

Enjoy your long weekend if you have one, and I will talk to you soon!

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