
Saturday, October 26, 2013

This is Awkward

Hi everyone! So, this is a little awkward. You remember that time, over a month ago, when I thought I was going to have time to post here regularly? That was so adorable. As it turns out, high school is crazy, and busy, and a little hard, especially if you're in an advanced math and science program and you have five times as much homework as all of the other freshmen. And I am, and I do. Possibly even more, I'm not really sure.

Right now, my main source of freaking out is marching band. (That's mostly because we have our last normal competition today, before we go to States. Once that's over, it'll go back to science.) I sort of have a lot do before I leave, which is why I'm spending time on the Internet. That's just my kind of logic! We should do really well, but I'm a little worried that I'm going to mess up the visuals, and I still need to get my Spirit Buddy stuff ready, and I think he doesn't even like the stuff he's been giving me, and yeah. I'm a little stressed. But I've been coming up with reasons that none of that matters.... so I should be fine.

The other thing that is occupying my mind is this haunted house thing I did last night. You should know I do not like scary things, but one of my friends invited me, and I have no life outside band, so I said yes. I don't think I have ever been so scared in my entire life! I was with four other people (plus D's mom and little brothers), and I literally spent the entire time clutching R, which was okay, because she was clutching me back. It was terrifying, but a ton of fun!

I really do need to go get ready now, but fair warning, this may be the only post for a while. Again. Stay neeky!

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