
Monday, July 14, 2014

JMU SBC 2014

Hey guys! I've had a pretty crazy couple of weeks, and today's post is going to be about the most interesting part of that-band camp! I just got back (on Saturday) from JMU's Summer Band Camp, and it was amazing. It honestly was one of the best experiences of my life so far, and I can't wait to go back next year (hopefully).

One of the best parts for me was being around so many great musicians. I play tuba (and march sousaphone), so I'm used to being in the smallest section, and not having much of an example to follow, so having fifteen other tuba players plus our section leader (a JMU student) was incredible. It was just a few days (Tuesday to Saturday) but I really feel like my sound has improved just from playing with such talented people.

Speaking of people, I made several new friends while I was there. Two of my friends from winter guard who go to a different high school

Another thing I really loved was one of the main focuses of the camp, which was on the process. They gave us a lot of ideas and teaching techniques to bring back to our programs, and I'm really excited to share what I learned with my school's band.

And of course, the most exciting part of camp-our show! We learned and memorized the music and drill for this in just three days, because we are all marching ninjas. But seriously, I love our show, and I'm lucky enough that people have already put videos of it online. So, here is my favorite (it has the best angle):

Isn't it awesome?! We all completely freaked out when we got our music! And I can't tell you how many times we listened to Bohemian Rhapsody last week-the trumpets even wrote a parody for karaoke night.

Something that I think is really amazing is that there were three separate torrential downpours, the showers were kind of disgusting, and I'm still so sore I can barely walk, but I can't imagine not going back. It was seriously that much fun. Also I can't wait for my school's marching band to start (23 days)!

I once again have no idea what my next post will be about, but it should be coming at you soon!

Your question for the comments: What have you been doing so far this summer?

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