
Sunday, June 22, 2014

No One Cares

*peers sheepishly from behind my laptop*

Hi guys. I know it's been a while, but I have finally returned to the land of bloggy goodness. However, I have come back with a new attitude, which hopefully will mean that this will be more enjoyable for all of us.

I have always been a very self-conscious person (actually that's not completely true, but that's for another post), so something I've been working on lately has been telling myself three words: no one cares. No one cares if you answer that question wrong, no once cares if you have two big zits, no one cares if you look tired today, etc. I'm extending this into this blog with three things: No one cares if you don't post for a while, no one cares if you don't post every day, and no one cares if you post twice in one day.

All of this is a kind of long-winded way to say that I'm going to be posting what I want when I want to, completely unapologetically. I have some cool things to share with you guys, including an awesome skirt I finished up in time for the last week of school, a t-shirt quilt I'm working on, and a whole bunch of random other things that I'm excited about. Maybe even a little fashion, although I'm not entirely qualified to talk about that. Even better, marching season is coming up, so you'll probably be hearing a lot about that, too. Here's a teaser: our show is freaking fantastic, and despite what our director says, totally Latin.

I have a post that I started back in March, which is sort of continuation of my last post about writing for school. It's a little boring, but it's a rantish thing that I want to have, so I'm going to post it anyway. That will probably be for tomorrow, though, because it needs a little work and it's late here. So you'll probably see that sometime tomorrow morning, assuming I actually get up (ahhh, summer break). Talk to you then!

Oh, one more thing. I'm going to start leaving a little discussion question thing at the bottom, in the hopes of sparking a conversation. Come on guys, it could be fun! No? Too bad. Here's your question for today:

What have you realized lately that has made a change in your life? What words or ideas are you living by? Let me know down below!

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